Membership is by payment of an annual subscription, which entitles the holder to receive a bi-annual newsletter, view copies of peer-reviewed society published material online, conference abstracts and to attend and vote at the AGM.
There are special rates for full-time students.
You are cordially invited to participate in our activities and to become a member of the leading Earth Science forum in the South-West region.
Membership Rates
Full membership …………………………………£30
Retired membership ……………………………£30
Student membership …………………………..£12
New members
If you wish to join the Society, please complete the Membership Form and return to the Treasurer via email or post with a cheque made payable to The Ussher Society, or complete the Membership Standing Order Form and return to your bank
Current members
Preferably complete the Membership Standing Order Form and return to your bank, or post a cheque made payable to The Ussher Society directly to the Treasurer.
If over the past year any of your personal or contact details have changed, please inform the Secretary by filling out a new Membership Form and sending it to the Secretary.
Email: Secretary
Email: Treasurer