The Ussher Society, named after the geologist W.A.E. Ussher, was founded in 1962 and promotes research into all aspects of the geology and geomorphology of South-West England, primarily through its annual conference and journal. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in geoscience within the region. The society has a rich history, a brief synopsis is provided on our history webpage and by Mather et al., 2011.
The Society holds an annual conference, including field excursions, in early January at various venues around the region. Other occasional field excursions are organised throughout the year.
The Ussher Society hosts an annual AGM and conference that is in its 60th year. Under normal circumstances, we host a 3-day AGM and conference for earth and environmental scientists working in Southwest England and related areas comprises two days of presentations plus field excursions.
Due to the global pandemic we will be hosting an online half-day AGM meeting with invited speakers. More details are available here.
The Society publishes an annual double refereed journal Geoscience in South-West England whose multidisciplinary content includes geology, geomorphology, historical geology and a wide range of applied geology. We can offer authors rapid turnaround of accepted manuscripts (publication <6 months of submission in most cases), free use of colour (where appropriate) and author pdf copies that you are welcome to place on your own or institutional webpages.
Our catalogue represents the most comprehensive single source of geoscience research in the region and related areas during the last 50 years. The content of all back issues from 1962, except the latest three parts (years), plus abstracts of the forerunner Conference of geologists and geomorphologists working in the south-west of England (1958-61), is freely available to download. If you wish to access content published within the last three years, then you must join the Society.
The Society also provides some limited research funding for fieldwork (full-time students and members) and for Ussher conference attendance (full-time students).